

Every architect loves to design, even when there is no paying client…Competitions offer an opportunity to take the lid off the design id, and conceive truly creative and innovative solutions to a world-wide variety of interesting design challenges…

Over the years, I have entered several competitions from Affordable Housing for the State of Maine, to an international competition for a memorial to  Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for Cambridge Square in Boston, MA.

Winning or not winning a competition is no reflection on the skills and/or creativity of the designer…If the competitor offers generally that for which the jury is looking they will have a good chance of securing a 1st place…Many great designs and designers fail to take a first place, but we always keep trying, and it’s never a reflection of talent or ability.



mlk memorial

A proposal for a memorial to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for the Mall in Washington D.C.mlk1



mlk shadow cast boston

A proposal for a memorial to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for Central Square, Boston, MA

mlk memorial boston





korean war memorial

Korean war memorial flags

A proposal for the Korean War Memorial for Washington D.C.  The curved back wall is partially covered with over 35,000 cast stone replicas of the folded flag for a fallen soldier.  The geometry of the “flags” allows for over 7,500 voids for those that remain missing in action.






The Holocaust and Human Rights Center is based upon a series of walls that penetrate in the main building design…In two ways moving between the walls represent at the same time an oppressive experience along with a soaring hope experience.

