Camden House

Often, an architect has to make a life-changing decision as to whether to put all their energy into teaching, or try to teach and have a professional practice at the same time… I choose to stop practicing mostly altogether, and devote all my time and energy into starting a professional track Architecture program in Maine…

Always wanting to design my own residence, and never really getting the opportunity earlier in my career when I was in practice, I finally got the chance to do exactly that on a beautiful site in the Camden Hills of Maine…Outside of design competitions, which present an unknown outcome, this residence allowed me to express all my teaching approaches and understandings of architecture into a single small structure of less than 500 sq.ft.

I have the utmost respect for teachers who also find a way to practice, but realized that for myself, to do both would diminish the effectiveness in either…


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Space Therapy™ (The Impact of Designed Space on Human Behavior)



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