Stereo Photography

3-D PROGRAMS…(all presentations are designed to be age appropriate)


Frog“Nature Under Your Nose”

Macro (close-up) 3-D presentation of the varied miraculous beauty of nature in the visual world, available, but normally beyond our visual experience.  The photographs for this most-frequently-asked-for program feature imagery from a typical New England back yard to exotic creatures, plants, and unique natural formations from all over the world. 

“Nature As Inspiration in Art and Architecture”

From the patterns and textures in a decaying leaf or, to the skin of a lizard, a drop of water or the structure of a mushroom, nature’s diversity in structure, patterns, textures, and unbelievably vibrant colors and expressions abound in their uniqueness and elegance.  This presentation offers selected images and how they may have inspired art, jewelry, crafts, and architectural expressions both ancient and modern.

“The Gardens of Japan”

The gardens of Japan are beautiful and amazing “living sculptures” some of which are over 1000 years old.  This presentation explores the Japanese love of nature and their singular approach to space and time as expressed in one of its most unique art forms — the garden. 

“Water, Earth’s Living Matrix”

Water is the vital resource of our world.  This program explores the many forms and expressions water takes from the delicate drop of dew on a flower to the massive Hubbard Glacier in Alaska or the cloud forests of Costa Rica (high school)

“The Art of the Earth”

Art and science are revealed as inextricably linked when we take the time to explore our world and discover the art in the wonders of nature’s structures and biosphere.

The images in this presentation are offered as “nature’s works of art,” that are offered for our view and inspiration, and that can be witnessed in the myriad “galleries” of our planet’s natural-wonders “museum/library.”   

“Nature’s Beautiful Tiny Spaces”

Architects, artists, and designers are endlessly seeking space in their expressions.  This program offers the amazing tiny spaces that nature creates and defines with the variety of her infinite palette of natural materiality.  The program showcases the spaces inside flowers, below the wings of a butterfly, ice in a tree, a feather and other natural elements that can inspire the design of the Hollywood Bowl, or Brunelleschi’s Dome in the Florence Cathedral. We are surrounded with these inspirational expressions of nature’s beauty almost wherever we are, and whenever we choose to explore our world around us. 

“Stereo Travelogue”

An adequate study of architecture usually demands travel to as many places as time, opportunity, interest, and finances will allow.  Over the years I have been fortunate to travel to many other lands and cultures.  This program is a 3-D travelogue of places I have visited over the years, recording macro and human scale imagery.

Custom and Other Programs Available

“The Four Seasons in Nature” (a macro 3-D tour of a year in Maine) 

“Portraits—Bugs and Other Creatures”
dragon fly sbs

“Oceans, Tide Pools, and Wetlands”

“The Elements of Architecture and Design” (The connection between nature and architecture)

“Natural And Man-Made Sculptures”

“The Construction of Maine’s Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial” 

“A Close-Up Look at the Ecology of a Typical Maine Backyard”

“A Up-Close Zen Look at Nature”